Saturday, August 27, 2011
Streamlining Saturdays: Toy Maintenance
If you have kids then you know that the toy situation can very quickly get out of hand. And by that I mean that there can be a lot of toys and they can be everywhere. As a solution to this problem, I have designated toy containers in the house: a trunk of toys in the living room and a few baskets of toys in each of the girls' rooms. To make sure that the toys always fit in their designated areas, I rotate toys. That means that once a toy is no longer age appropriate or well-loved, I either put it in storage (for later use) or donate it. Especially after birthdays or Christmas I purge the old toys out. If they are great toys that just don't get much use, I keep them for re-introduction at the next purge. This makes it seem like the girls get brand-new toys every few months, when, in fact, they've just forgotten about them and get to enjoy them anew.