Design Mom posts a lot of interesting discussions that I enjoy reading and thinking about. One such discussion a few weeks ago was about being remembered. She asked:
If you could be remembered for just one thing, what would you hope that one thing would be?
The thing I would most like to be remembered for is being generous. Not generous in the sense of money or possessions, but in the sense of being very thoughtful and considerate in order to give someone what they need at the moment. Maybe that's dropping off dinner or just listening to someone talk about something that's bothering them. Perhaps it's rearranging my schedule to accommodate someone else's. Doing the dishes for whoever cooked the meal. Sending a gift or a card when someone is having a bad day. Generosity isn't just about physical things, but it is also about time, friendship, service.
I want to be generous because I feel so blessed to have had many generous people in my own life. Even now, I regularly benefit from my friends accommodating the fact that I have kids - and so we do things that are kid friendly, even if non-kid friendly activities might be more fun. Or recently a friend vaccumed out my car (which I've been complaining about forever) when she borrowed it. Little things like this mean the world to me, and I want to be the person who is able to give those kinds of things back.
The main skill necessary for this life goal is listening. So I'm practicing my listening. And then taking the opportunity to give when it arises.
What about you? What would you want to be remembered for?