It's May again. And May rhymes with day. Hence, my need to once again commit myself to a month of picture taking. This year, I'm trying to work on my photojournalistic style. I want to be able to capture moments in my little family's life that will hopefully, one day, remind us of all the ordinary things that make our world so beautiful. I might even accompany the photos with secret confessions. But probably not all of them. Because, let's face it, I'm just not exciting enough to have 30 secrets worth sharing (or not worth sharing, as the case may be).
I am very inspired by two wonderful photographers: my friend from childhood, Amy, who takes the most amazing pictures of everyday things. Seriously. It's not fair.
And then there's also Jennifer, who is a professional photographer and instructor living in Portland. I've had the immense privilege of attending two of her Photo Tours and she is just brilliant. I want to be her. Like really bad.
We'll see how close I actually get to a photo every day... I'm not sure if anyone's told you, but managing two toddlers and a camera don't often mix very well.
Well, here's the first photo of the day.
Confession #1: I am the messiest of cooks. Organization and creativity, while both things that I love, do not co-exist in my project world. Only one can reign supreme at any given moment.
Confession #2: I love my new Kitchen Aid in Pistachio. I'm beginning to wonder how I survived on my own for so long. Not because it's not possible to make things using a hand mixer, but because a Kitchen Aid makes them so much less time consuming. And you've sold me on that factor alone.
Ready for my photo of the day for the month of May madness? Come back tomorrow to see pictures from my most recent Photo Tour with Jennifer.
Also, if I post a recipe or something, that's just going to go ahead and count as my photo of the day. So really, it's more like A Post a Day for the Month of May. But whatever.