Monday, June 20, 2011

The One With All the Waiting for Liam (Part 1)

My sister-in-law, Emily, and her husband, Tom, are having another baby! Their son, Liam Scott, is due next month. It seems I rarely know pregnant people who live close by, so I jumped at  the opportunity to take some maternity/family pics. Fortunately for me, they were gracious enough to be my guinea pigs. We'll be taking some more later on this week, so these are just the preliminaries.

Tom and Emily's son, Cyril, is just about Ellie's age. And Liam and Olivia will also be close in age. It's nice have cousins so close together. And friends going through the same parenting trials together is nice, too.We're always bouncing ideas off each other and sharing parenting woes and triumphs.

Cyril's such a cutie, although he was a little unsure about giving up playtime to be photographed.
 I just love this one. So sweet.
And then Cyril wouldn't sit still anymore and ran off to play with Ellie. So I shot some of just the parents-to-be (again).
This is another favorite. I love Emily's look of contentment.
And speaking of Liam, I've got some more projects to complete before his arrival (which is rapidly approaching). I should get on that...

Look for more pictures later this week!
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