Thursday, June 9, 2011

The One With My First Cake

Mallory and I had our second cake class the other day. And we made our first official decorated cake! What do you think?

And it didn't just look pretty. It tasted good, too. I used a Pillsbury Chocolate Cake mix with a chocolate pudding filling. Yummmm.

And this is Mallory's cake. Pretty snazzy, huh?

I'll have to keep you updated on our progress. Hopefully we get a bit better. There are definitely several mistakes I see when I look at mine, but I am also pretty happy with what I've learned so far. Mostly, improvement is going to take a lot of practice.

If you're interested in reading a little more about  our class and the supplies we've collected, you can check out Mallory's post on the subject here.
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