When does it become inappropriate to take naked baby pictures? Probably soon, which is why I squeezed some more in before it was too late.
Olivia has become our sweet little adventurer this month. She has mastered rolling as a sufficient mode of transportation and spends most of her time rolling around the house, picking up every little piece of lint and scrap of paper she can find. Needless to say, I've been working to improve my vacuuming and sweeping skills.
She's also quite talented at reaching. She stretches and stretches and then wiggles just a bit until she gets what she wants. It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. She loves hey pink ball and lights up when she finds her bead roller coaster. And she got her first teeth! Two brand new chompers. And she was an angel about it.
It is getting to be so much fun to have two. Ellie loves playing with Olivia, reading her stories and making her laugh. At lunch today they were cracking each other up. And they keep each other company on stroller rides through the mall. Isn't having a sister the best? I think it comes second only to having daughters.