Friday, July 15, 2011

The One With the Things I Love About Ellie (21 months)

Today, Ellie is 22 months old. I can't believe how quickly she is growing and changing and becoming a person all her own.

So, to recap her 21st month, here are some of my favorite thins she's been doing lately:

1. I love her obsession with water. On bath nights, while she's finishing up dinner, I'll sneak to the bathroom and turn on the water. Immediately, I hear a squeal of delight from the dinner table, "BATH!" It's all she can do to contain herself for the five minutes it takes for the tub to fill up.
2. I love how much she loves her new frog kiddie pool. Even when it's still cold in the morning, she likes to stand ankle deep in the freezing water, grinning with sheer joy. 
3. I love her new-found love for bananas. We have Allison to thank for that.
4. I love how she likes to cover herself with her blanket and then ask, "Go? Go?" When she pops out she says, "Boo!" giggling with delight at herself.
5. I love how easily she is entertained by empty cupboards.

6. I love her obsession with flashcards. And how much she wants to teach Olivia her new vocabulary.
7. I love how proud she is of herself whenever she learns new words and can point them out to me. 
8. I love how much she loves shoes! First thing in the morning, she needs her shoes on, even if she's still in pajamas. And she won't take them off until bedtime. If she's sad, all she needs is a shoe change to cheer her up.
9. I love how much she looks forward to playing with her friends Addie and Jake and Cyril.
10. I love how meticulous she is when it comes to eating, and thoroughly enjoying, cake. She doesn't wolf it down, but instead sits very quietly and concentrates very hard, savoring every bite. 
11. The thing I love the most about Ellie right now is how much she adores her little sister. I just got back from a trip where I took O and left Ellie behind with her daddy. Whenever I called to say hi she would just say, 'Hi Wivia," over and over and over again. Every morning, Wivia is the first thing on her mind. Then, she spends most of the day giving her kisses and hugs and trying to show her the toys and reading her books. She's a very sweet big sister. I hope this lasts. :-)
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