Saturday, July 16, 2011

The One With When Little Liam Arrived

You may recall I took some maternity/family pictures for my sister and brother-in-law a few weeks back (seen here and here). Well, their precious little one arrived one week ago today! Liam is a very sweet little boy. See?
On my way to visit my own family in Idaho, I stopped by to see them. They were getting all ready to head home themselves. And of course, Emily's looking no worse the wear for having just given birth and missed some sleep since. Yes, I'm jealous. (You will notice there are never going to be any pictures of me in the hospital/directly after giving birth).
Gosh, such a cutie in his fancy digs. I can't wait to do his newborn portraits in a few days. :-)
Congrats, Tom, Emily and Cyril!
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