Thursday, January 19, 2012

The One With the Snow Day

Snow in Portland is really magical. Magical because it only comes once a year. Magical because the city looks just beautiful all frosted in white. Magical because you usually get to stay home from work or school. Magical because you ought to get something good out of how crazy Portland drivers get when confronted with the first hint of white flakes.

When we first saw the snow falling Ellie looked out the window and said, 'Rain." Steve told her it was actually snow. She replied with, "Snow. Snow? Snow! Snowman! Frosty!" She loves Frosty and snowmen and has been on the lookout for snowmen for the last few days of snowflakes that didn't stick. It seemed only fair that when it finally stuck last night we took a snow day to celebrate.

And we quite enjoyed our snow day. I put Olivia out in her Bumbo, since we don't have any snow clothes due to the one-day-of-snow-a-year thing. Ellie walked out until she got shoe-deep in snow and then just stood in one place to enjoy her winter wonderland.
Since there wasn't too much snow, I made her a little snowman that she enjoyed carrying around.This is her looking at the snowman and telling me that it's missing eyes and a nose.
We went inside and found a baby carrot and some roasted nuts to remedy that problem right away. And here's her little baby snowman.
The only way I could ger her to put her freezing little snowbaby down and come out of the cold was to lure her inside with hot chocolate and Frosty, of course, even though Christmas is very over.
I've always loved snow and winter wonderlands. But sharing my snow days with my baby girls just makes them so much better. 
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